
As an in­ter­na­tional speaker, Dr. Al­isa J. brings unique per­spec­tives that em­power oth­ers to un­leash the un­tapped po­ten­tial of liv­ing the abun­dant life. Us­ing real-world ex­am­ples, she sheds light on how the in­valu­able tal­ent each per­son has can pos­i­tively im­pact what they were cre­ated to do. This per­spec­tive pushes her to teach, de­velop, in­spire, and men­tor thou­sands as a speaker and dig­i­tal con­tent cre­ator to shift their mind­set. With over twenty years of train­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, a knack for mak­ing mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions with au­di­ences, and an in­sa­tiable ap­petite for help­ing oth­ers ig­nite their vi­sion, Dr. Al­isa J. knows how to com­mand the room, con­nect with the crowd, and pro­vide in­struc­tion so that oth­ers can ef­fec­tively do the same.

Speaking Philosophy

Dr. Al­isa J. be­lieves in pro­vid­ing in­for­ma­tion and in­spi­ra­tion so lis­ten­ers can am­plify their com­mu­ni­ca­tion, con­nec­tion, and con­fi­dence for im­pact. When the right in­for­ma­tion is re­ceived it de­mands ap­pli­ca­tion, so­lu­tions are cre­ated, and life chang­ing re­sults are experienced.

Speaking Philosophy

Dr. Al­isa J. be­lieves in pro­vid­ing in­for­ma­tion and in­spi­ra­tion so lis­ten­ers can am­plify their com­mu­ni­ca­tion, con­nec­tion, and con­fi­dence for im­pact. When the right in­for­ma­tion is re­ceived it de­mands ap­pli­ca­tion, so­lu­tions are cre­ated, and life chang­ing re­sults are experienced.

What make Dr. Alisa J. Authentic

Dr. Al­isa J. de­liv­ers high-en­ergy pre­sen­ta­tions that chal­lenge au­di­ences to lever­age their fo­cus and pay at­ten­tion to what mat­ters most in life. Through speak­ing, she men­tors with pas­sion, guid­ing oth­ers to ef­fec­tively strengthen and el­e­vate their vi­sion to new heights. Her down-to-earth hu­mor com­pels au­di­ences to laugh while they learn. She en­gages groups from the mo­ment she steps in front of them and leaves them with em­pow­er­ing tools and fo­cused mind­sets to use long af­ter the lights have gone out on the event.

Areas Of Focus!


Many don’t know what per­sonal em­pow­er­ment looks and feels like. It is about tak­ing con­trol by con­vert­ing in­ten­tions to ac­tions. Dr. Al­isa J. be­lieves that you are em­pow­ered when you give your­self per­mis­sion to soar in mind, body, and soul.

Church Health

Dr. Al­isa J. is  pas­sion­ate about  church health.  She works with teams to iden­tify is­sues that im­pair ef­fec­tive­ness, rec­om­mend so­lu­tions & strate­gies that churches thrive. En­abling lead­ers to pro­vide di­rec­tion to a wider range of fol­low­ers and im­ple­ment solid plans.

Vision & Purpose

Dr. Al­isa J. loves to ex­pound on the 12 mind­set shifts that will help you ig­nite your vi­sion. In ses­sions on purpose/vision, she cov­ers how to stay stead­fast in the face of gi­ants, process through sea­sons, man­age fail­ures, and etc. She will also help you put prac­ti­cal things in your tool­box to help you overcome.

Leadership Development

With the topic of lead­er­ship, Dr. Al­isa J. chal­lenges faith-based and non-faith-based lead­ers to dis­cover and in­vest in their de­sire to be­come au­then­tic lead­ers and be more. Her Wins help lead­ers be­come more trans­par­ent, gain new per­spec­tives, and be­come more self-aware and emo­tion­ally intelligent.

Get in Touch

PO BOX 683

1 866 216 9182



“Dr. Al­isa J. is ap­pre­cia­tive of every or­ga­ni­za­tion and per­son who sup­ports, open doors, and cre­ate op­por­tu­ni­ties for her.”
