Does your dream/vision seem im­pos­si­ble to ac­com­plish right now? Join Dr. Al­isa J., the Vi­sion Ig­ni­tor ®, as she delves into prac­ti­cal so­lu­tions to help you ig­nite your vi­sion. If you are sit­ting on your dream/vision but you want to start walk­ing in it – then this show is for you.

What does it mean to be au­then­ti­cally you? Join Dr. Al­isa J. as she and her guests dis­cuss the com­plex­i­ties of shift­ing from a fixed mind­set to a growth mind­set. If you are ready to soar with­out lim­its by gain­ing new per­spec­tives, hav­ing trans­parency in re­la­tion­ships, and be­ing emo­tion­ally in­tel­li­gent, then this show is def­i­nitely for you.

Does your dream/vision seem im­pos­si­ble to ac­com­plish right now? Join Dr. Al­isa J., the Vi­sion Ig­ni­tor ®, as she delves into prac­ti­cal so­lu­tions to help you ig­nite your vi­sion. If you are sit­ting on your dream/vision but you want to start walk­ing in it – then this show is for you.

What does it mean to be au­then­ti­cally you? Join Dr. Al­isa J. as she and her guests dis­cuss the com­plex­i­ties of shift­ing from a fixed mind­set to a growth mind­set. If you are ready to soar with­out lim­its by gain­ing new per­spec­tives, hav­ing trans­parency in re­la­tion­ships, and be­ing emo­tion­ally in­tel­li­gent, then this show is def­i­nitely for you.