This book ex­plores vi­sion as God or­dained while of­fer­ing spe­cific and clear ac­tions for read­ers who seek suc­cess as they live on pur­pose and in­ten­tion­ally. Stay­ing stead­fast when you face gi­ants, go through processes, and ex­pe­ri­ence God’s pro­vi­sion are all a part of God’s plan. 


This book ex­pounds on 12 mind­set shifts that will help you ig­nite your vi­sion. It will pro­voke you to ac­ti­vate the vi­sion you have been car­ry­ing around in your mind and heart; and light fire un­der you to live in­ten­tion­ally and with pur­pose when it comes to man­i­fest­ing what you have been called to do. 


Chron­i­cles ex­plores vic­to­ri­ous liv­ing, over­com­ing pres­sures and chal­lenges, and walk­ing in whole­ness. This book has prin­ci­ples and tes­ti­monies that will min­is­ter to peo­ple whether they are sin­gle or married. 


This book will help will help you cre­ate a foun­da­tion for start­ing your busi­ness. When a builder builds, the first thing he/she does is de­ter­mine the depth of the foun­da­tion and lays it. The deeper the foun­da­tion, the taller the struc­ture. Are you a builder? How tall do you want your struc­ture to be?


As you read this book, there is one very spe­cial in­cred­i­ble verse that will tell you that God the Fa­ther wants to trans­mit and im­part nine spe­cific fruits of the Holy Spirit into your per­son­al­ity. God says your per­son­al­ity can en­ter into a true sanc­ti­fi­ca­tion process with him so he can mold, shape, and trans­form you into the im­age of His dear Son Je­sus Christ.


This book ex­pounds on 12 mind­set shifts that will help you ig­nite your vi­sion. It will pro­voke you to ac­ti­vate the vi­sion you have been car­ry­ing around in your mind and heart; and light fire un­der you to live in­ten­tion­ally and with pur­pose when it comes to man­i­fest­ing what you have been called to do. 


Chron­i­cles ex­plores vic­to­ri­ous liv­ing, over­com­ing pres­sures and chal­lenges, and walk­ing in whole­ness. This book has prin­ci­ples and tes­ti­monies that will min­is­ter to peo­ple whether they are sin­gle or married. 


This book will help will help you cre­ate a foun­da­tion for start­ing your busi­ness. When a builder builds, the first thing he/she does is de­ter­mine the depth of the foun­da­tion and lays it. The deeper the foun­da­tion, the taller the struc­ture. Are you a builder? How tall do you want your struc­ture to be?


As you read this book, there is one very spe­cial in­cred­i­ble verse that will tell you that God the Fa­ther wants to trans­mit and im­part nine spe­cific fruits of the Holy Spirit into your per­son­al­ity. God says your per­son­al­ity can en­ter into a true sanc­ti­fi­ca­tion process with him so he can mold, shape, and trans­form you into the im­age of His dear Son Je­sus Christ.