Vision Ignitor® Coaching

Vi­sion Ig­ni­tor ® coach­ing Chal­lenges you to Learn, In­spires you to Mas­ter skills, and Pro­vokes you to Be­lieve higher.

Imag­ine if you had the time and space to com­bine know­ing who you are with know­ing how you work best. This com­bi­na­tion will il­lu­mi­nate a ful­fill­ing vi­sion for your future


Whether you want a com­pre­hen­sive eval­u­a­tion, a set of as­sess­ments for your team, or a one-time in­di­vid­ual meet­ing, Dr. Al­isa J. can help you understand/clarify your:


    • strengths and val­ues and how to ap­ply them to de­velop your as­pi­ra­tions and vision
    • per­son­al­ity style that guides your be­hav­iors, choices, and in­ter­ac­tions with others
    • emo­tional in­tel­li­gence and other pre­dic­tors of your per­sonal and pro­fes­sional success
    • lead­er­ship skills and how to max­i­mize them

As a trained psy­chol­o­gist, Dr. Al­isa J. brings in-depth as­sess­ment ex­per­tise to her coach­ing prac­tice to help you un­der­stand and ap­ply your great­est skills and as­sets. Stan­dard­ized as­sess­ments pro­vide a wealth of in­for­ma­tion on per­son­al­ity styles, lead­er­ship skills, core strengths and ar­eas for de­vel­op­ment in your per­sonal and pro­fes­sional life. As­sess­ment re­sults in­form your cus­tomized coach­ing plan and experience.