Dr. Alisa J.

A na­tive of Mis­souri, Dr. Al­isa J. is a glob­ally rec­og­nized au­thor, speaker, teacher, evan­ge­list, au­thor and en­tre­pre­neur. She is also known as the “Vi­sion Ig­niter®” for her abil­ity to bring life and en­ergy vi­sions that im­pacts the hearts and minds of all who come into con­tact with her.


She is the founder of Dr. Al­isa J. Min­istries, Des­tiny Con­sult­ing, LLC, and The Sun­shine Or­ga­ni­za­tion. Her speak­ing, teach­ing, & min­istry reaches to Canada, the Caribbean, Eu­rope, France and through­out the United States. In ad­di­tion to Dr. Al­isa J. par­tic­i­pa­tion in many church, para-church and busi­ness con­fer­ences across the globe each year, she hosts The Grow­ing Healthy Min­istries Sum­mit in the Mid­west de­signed to en­cour­age and mo­bi­lize faith-based lead­ers locally.

A grad­u­ate of Grand Canyon Uni­ver­sity, Dr. Al­isa J. holds a PhD in In­dus­trial Psy­chol­ogy, Or­ga­ni­za­tional De­vel­op­ment. She serves on sev­eral na­tional boards and teaches sem­i­nary lead­er­ship classes. Dr. Al­isa J. is hum­bled by the call that God has placed on her life and is pas­sion­ate about her pur­pose, which is re­build lives and or­ga­ni­za­tions. She in­spires to en­cour­age, in­forms to en­lighten, in­structs to ed­u­cate and in­vests to em­power. She is in­deed a woman for such a time as this!

Her books in­clude Catch the Vi­sion, Stay the Course, Chron­i­cles – Cov­ered & Re­vealed, Find It, Fol­low It, Fin­ish It – 12 Mind­set Shifts to Ig­nite Your Vi­sion, GEMS, Dig Deep, Build High, and 7 Wins for the Au­then­tic Leader.